What’s in a name?
Apne Funeral Services provide funeral services for the West Midlands Asian community, specialising in Sikh and Hindu funerals. Established in 2007, our highly experienced team of funeral directors will sensitively guide you through all the practical and legal requirements during this difficult time. Whilst we understand the unique requirements of the Asian community, each funeral experience is tailored to your personal needs.
In all forms of business today there are big, international companies that have made their profits through taking over small firms. The funeral profession is no exception. Many businesses have been swallowed up by the giants. The trouble is, there usually isn’t any change of name to tell you of the difference. That makes it hard for you to distinguish between the family owned firm and the conglomerate. Without asking, you might never know if the owners your family have trusted over the years continue to make the decisions which will affect the service you receive when you need to make funeral arrangements. Apne Funerals Services is an independent family owned company with a focus on care in the community above all else.
Contact us to speak with an experienced member of our team.